Our Alums

PUAFA board meeting. We’d love for some fresh faces to join us. Message in Care of Winnie Oliver or any board member for more info. 90’s folks, I’m looking at you.

Painting by Professor John Randolph – my mentor and friend. He not only taught art and painting but he and his wife Erminie Randolph taught life to the Phillips University students. He was painting on this painting my Senior year at Phillips. He even let me paint some of the grass with a piece of cardboard. He was kind he let me purchase the painting for $75.

Born in Ada, Oklahoma, John Randolph earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts from the University of Oklahoma. He also studied at Shrivenham Army College in England and the University of Oregon. Upon graduation in 1948, Randolph joined the art department of Phillips University where served as a professor and Chairperson of the department, serving the university for more than four decades.

Randolph has exhibited his work across the region. His work was included in one-person and group exhibitions at such places as the Philbrook Art Museum, Wichita Art Museum, Springfield Art Museum, Dallas Museum of Art, and the Chicago Museum of Fine Art.

In 1986, Phillips University hosted a retrospective of his work. That same year as part of the Governor’s Arts Awards, Randolph received the Community Service Award, recognizing his work for Enid businesses and commissions. At Phillips University, he received the Dean J. Clifford Shirley Outstanding Faculty Award.

Happy New Year! Are you interested in perpetuating the memories, standards and ideals of Phillips University? Nominate yourself or a classmate to serve on the ALUMNI Board of Directors. We meet 4 times a year. The main purpose of our existence is to create a venue for alums to gather and keep updates of your whereabouts. The alumni association has ONE employee to manage all this information. Be a part of Phillips University’s LIVING heritage. Let me know if you want more information.

Joneal and his wife, Janie, are Phillips grads (and members of my church here in STL). He is one of the premiere actors in St. Louis and regional theatre throughout the US. To read the entire article click here.

Nov. 2016 – The load out after an amazing leadership conference. The key speakers were Alexis Branaman and Kate Krumrei, both graduates of the PULF Leadership Scholars Program. We are leaving a Legacy of Excellence.